Tag Archives: Michael Peter Walczak

Changes from the 2011 tax year

Americans are expected to dig deeper in to their pockets to finance their national budget whose tax gap seem to widening every day. The Congress and the IRS have decided to close in on all receipts the Americans are getting both onshore and offshore. The Americans are under an obligation of reporting all their income regardless of where it is coming from. The new tax form 8949 specifically focuses on IRS’s new cost basis 1099-B reporting rules with more emphasis being placed on reporting on foreign assets that exceeds certain limits as explained in tax form 8938.

The congress and the President are working round the clock to avoid certain measures which have political ramifications such as cutting entitlements to the defense and increasing tax. Closing the gap by targeting defaulters seem to be the cheapest option for now because catching up with the tax cheats does not only close the gap but has minimal political implication.. The idea is to broaden the tax base which can eventually lead to lowering the rate of taxation. This is one of the suggestions made by Bowles Simpson Deficit commission.
The IRS is using advanced and sophisticated technology to catch up with those who cheat by using methods such as not reporting some income and assets.

The year 2011 has come with numerous changes in as far as tax returns are concerned. The new 8949 form which deals with sales and other dispositions of capital assets and form 8938 that looks at foreign financial assets , are expected to rattle security traders because the new compliance rules in the cost –basis reporting rules must be adhered to in this new forms.

It is only the future traders who seem to be off the hook because of the mar-to-market (economic reporting ) in section 1256 which allows them to receive form 1099 that only captures the realized and the unrealized gains and losses for the year. The future traders only need to enter a single number for the aggregate profit and loss to form 6781. This will allow them to benefit from reduced tax rates. Those who trade in ETF instruments may not find it easy, brokers may want to treat this as securities though it is the desire of many business men to treat them as Section 1256 contracts.
Form 8949 has given security traders and accountants sleepless nights in filling them and reconciling them with their own accounting records.

Author:  Michael P Walczak is an entrepeneur, investor and has started up numerous online business.  Holds a degree in Computer Science.

Is there any reason why this would be wrong?

Would it be wrong to try to bury negative but informative information about someone?

And by wrong, I mean morally.

Maybe that is information that would be a warning to someone?  Say it is a craigslist murderer?

Last week I was questioning the ethics behind this endeavor and coming to the topic this morning I don’t think it really matters.

I don’t think that I will be able to bury anything that is posted by a reputable source and established site.  Maybe an expert in the field of SEO would be able to make an impact.   I am assuming you would have to build a very “deep” website, purchase all the appropriate domain names, do some back-linking, and other tasks that I am sure I have never even thought of.

If anyone really was looking for something they should be able to find it.  If there are specific details that you are looking to learn that information would still be available.  Official court records, arrests and all are usually online somewhere courthouse, clerk of courts, sheriffs offices all have their own search option and fairly easy to find out information there.

I am looking more at  web-bullying, harassment, embarrassing, slanderous and harmful information on the internet, that might paint a somewhat negative picture.  This may be helpful for someone to recover from their past or viscous attacks not matter the reason.

Of course, ideally you would be replacing the bad with more current and positive information.  Not just random postings, which is kind of what I am doing here.  I am only writing this out, because I have no sense of direction other than my previously stated goal.  I assume if it was me,  I would be shinning a light on my accomplishments, my character and basically just share who I really am and let that speak for itself.  If anyone was looking for more information on me then they would find it, I would have a rebuttal for the negative accusations on other sites, or offer up an explanation about the past and defaults in judgement.

Anyway, I think it is okay.

Oh, and I noticed the errors on my last post, because I am kind of just writing them out and not really going back and checking for grammar.  I should be, but is it really that important right now?

I will try to do better, for my own sake, and whoever may read this.




The reason I am here

Okay, Not “here”, here as in why I am on this earth.  But the reason why I have thrown together this site and splashed some posts on here recently.  Nothing too deep or even ambitious.  Okay here it is:

I write Michael Peter Walczak it is an experiment in reputation management.  I am trying to move negative comments that posting high on Google about another Michael Peter.  The goal is to move the other site’s post down organically.  I started for signing up at different social networking sites under this name.  I have completed profiles, added some pictures and posted randomly on some.

I found lists online of places you can register for free, some are for music, some are blogs and others are places where you basically are on a list of users.  Most looked pretty safe to me, and did not ask for too personal information.  One thing I noticed is that there are a lot of sites that were combined with others or shut down completely.  Mostly these seemed to be forum sites and subsets of online communities.  I wonder if Facebook ate them all?  That was step one.  About a month ago.

The last two weeks I started adding posts here on WordPress.  I am using this WordPress as sort of the hub, and all the other sites as spokes.  At least that is the way I imagine it.  This is a really comfortable spot for me, I know Word Press and the fastest place that I can build an online presence  and put together content at a steady pace.  I have kept the site simple to date, I have not added pictures, widgets or set up more than a few categories that I have added a handful of random posts.  Just kind of putting some words together randomly with no real goal in mind.  It is actually harder to write just for the sake of writing than I thought it would be.

I have some expierence in writing blogs.  But generally for someone who pays me and tells me exactly what they want.  Much hard to write without direction.

As of today I still don’t really have one.  I am just creating a starting point for myself.  I do not know how far I will need to take this, I may move to Twitter, FB, Blogger, Flickr and Stumble Upon and some other sites that I am registered either to share the content here.  Maybe I will grow this site with pictures, add all the bells and whistles and give it a more personal touch.

Do I need all of that to accomplish my goal? Or will random thrown together words and some article spinning be enough?

Future Topics for consideration from me…

Goal: Create a positive reputation online for kw: Michael Peter Walczak and Michael P. Walczak.

Question:  Is there any reason why this would be wrong?

Idea: Could this be a marketable business?

Plan: Working on the complete plan.

Very Random Thoughts

Every day we need to remember the truth of who we really are.  Look at our life and make the necessary changes to align our life more with our truth.  As you gaze at the winding road of your life remove anything that stands in the way of your truth.   Keep taking the steps needed to  reach that truth, embrace it.  Magnify it.

You shouldn’t have to work very hard to be more of yourself.  It may be more of just letting go of things that might not suit who you really are.  At times we take on learned thought patterns that are not true to ourselves.  Why we continue on with this form of thinking is more of a habit then a choice.  If we stop the thought as soon as it happens, and think something new that is more in-line with what we see as our true selves we can break the habit.  Stop the wrong thought process and retrain our brains to match what we want in our heart.  That awful negative voice that speaks to us, or narrates the story of our life in a way that sounds like the truth of us.  Sometimes we get so caught up in this we believe the lies and forget who we started out as.

I don’t know if who we start out as is who we are meant to be, or is it the person we evolve into?  No matter what goes on around us, or what circumstances we face are we staying centered and grounded in who we are?


Author: Michael Peter Walczak Micahel P.Walczak

Employees On The Move

Employees are on the move, growing more mobile every day.  By 2015  there will be 1.3 billion mobile workers according to some estimates.  Employers can keep track of their employees time with such devices as a mobile time clock, such as the one offered by Exaktime.

Some of the challenges facing a company with mobile employees is being sure every one is in communication.  It is easy to get left out of the loop.  So maintaining good connections is key.  Encourage collaboration between employees to keep everyone involved.  You may need to hold more company meetings either by phone or online.  Companies are going to be looking for a service that can track workers and enlist outsourced human resources.  Although, not all business are going to staffed to handle this increased influx of data.  Some will only use it for payroll purposes, but others will outsource a human resources department to handle the information coming in and create useful reports for the employer.

Overall, it is beneficial for employees to work from home or from multiple locations as needed.  Punching a time clock is not nearly as important as how productive you can be for the day.  Once a company realize that work is what you do, no matter where you are or what time you start.  Giving people the freedom to have control of their work schedule and allowing them to produce a quality product for your customers is crucial.

Author:  Michael P Walczak is an entrepeneur, investor and has started up numerous online business.  Holds a degree in Computer Science.

Business Idea

Here is an idea

All these local companies that struggling and looking for a way to draw in more customers have been spending thousands of dollars a month in their local phone books for advertising.  A lot of these companies are pressured by the sales rep of these yellow page business to add online advertising to their package for even more money.  What if you could save them money by building their online reputation organically by social media and blogging.  If someone was to go to these companies and offer an affordable SEO and SMM program guaranteed to make their company more findable online.  You could easily begin to update their website, add a blog, start posting to their social media sites and see a drastic improvement.  Do all the things the owners start out to do themselves but don’t have the time or are frustrated with the daily effort it takes to make a difference.   No need to do the work yourself you can find freelancers to do this work remotely for less than a third what you charge your client.  In such a venture you will have no overhead, you run a virtual office of subcontractors.  You are limitless in the amount of work you can complete since you are merely gaining the customer and finding someone else to do the work.


Author: Michael Peter Walczak Micahel P.Walczak

About Michael Peter Walczak

Michael Peter Walczak has an eagle eye when it comes to investing in companies large and small.  He is a serial investor that has is inept at  scouting out assets and access to profits.  He’s successfully backed a number of internet startups that have reached 3.5 billion consumers combined.   The silent backer behind  many a logo he is driven and determined to see his ventures through with due diligence to fruition.

Mr. Walczak has a  strong background in business, a Bachelors in Computer Information Systems, and years of experience have given him the ability to pick out the most promising of golden investments.   Sorting through a company’s business plan, reading the balance sheet, shareholder’s reports and income statements, all in a day’s work to find the right venture.  Sometimes finding the clues to success like needles in a haystack.

When it comes to investing internet startups he has the ability to understand the idea and the goal of a concept not yet fully formed.  Quickly moving providing funds and sometimes advise to a young company,  moving ahead of the curve while an idea is still hot.  Thinking outside the box, business at a rock-n-roll pace.   Never slowing down always looking for the next big thing.  And he is right more times than not, amazingly seeing potential where others would pass it by.

Mr. Walczak is a master at leverage using what he has to get what he wants.   His passion and energy are contagious and you find yourself bouncing right along with him.